
Help one another achieve greater health. Period. We really can do this together. Share your goals. Start small. Share ideas and recipes and advice...even a picture or two! Share encouragement or your discouragement.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New month

Well March is almost over.  We have been working on our goals for a month now.
I feel like I did fairly well.  I didn't exercise as much as I had planned.  I did do a pretty good job, I think of cutting back our sugar intake.  I only had one soda, and that was because David brought it home and I finished it for him.  Having soda in the house is not good for me.  I haven't really missed the sugar, my energy levels are up and all of us are eating more fruits and vegetables.  I have even found and tried some delicious recipes!
So for next month,  I will continue with the less sugar goals and also add in some working out.  I have a work out buddy. :)  So, three times a week for like, say....20 minutes.  There, we'll see how I do.  I'm not so good at committing to exercise! haha!

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