Motivation: Once you reach your goal weight, you can give yourself one "free" MEAL a week where you can eat ANYTHING you want! :)
I love me a good salad! Good for you and makes you feel good too! Here's some ideas for creative salads.
Each day, make a "to-do" list. It will keep you productive and on track!
Instead of treating weekends like breaks focus on setting aside 1 hour each day for exercise!
Small amounts of very dark chocolate are good for you. Dark chocolate contains anti-oxidants and boosts your "feel good" hormones.
Sunshine! It's a great mood booster! Go out for a walk today
Sleep is an important part of getting healthy. Go to bed early tonight! :)
Keep fresh fruit on hand to beat the munchies!
Eating every 2-3 hours helps keep your metabolism running strong. Eat smaller amounts more often.
Be sure to get as many veggies as possible each day. The darker the better!
When you are taking care of yourself never neglect the spiritual side of your life or you will be out of balance.
One of my friends is a fitness nutritionist, she posts little health and exercise tidbits on her facebook pretty regularly. I thought I would share! :) I will post more as she does. ;)
If your goal is building muscle make sure you consume plenty of protein
Plan and schedule when you are going to work out each day. Time is never going to magically appear.
If your goal is to lose weight you must focus on nutrition cardio AND strength training. Never neglect any of these areas!
Did you know that in a 24 hour period your body burns 2 calories to maintain 1 pound of fat but 50 calories to maintain 1 pound of muscle?
If you want to build lean muscle (as opposed to big bulky muscles) use lower weights with more repetitions
Coconut oil - a wonderful and healthy fat! Don't take my word for it. Do your research!
Awesome article on sugar! I KNOW it's an addictive substance for me, and this explains why! I'm now 3 weeks with no sugar (again) and feel AWESOME!!
Beachbody, creator of the nation's most popular in-home fitness and weight loss solutions, was founded in 1998 by Product Partners, LLC.
When the weekend turns "bad" and you make choices that aren't the greatest for your health, do not get discouraged! Tomorrow is a new day! Set your goals for the upcoming week. What do you want to change, make better, or do differently?